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22 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Malone, William / Chuba, Daniel / Wilson, David C. / Kent, Melissa / Schweitzer, Michael / Davies, Freeman A. / Williams, David / Chuba, Daniel / Dixon, Jamie / Johnston, James Robert / Shah, Ash R. / Singleton, Ralph S. / Ii, Lloyd Ahern / Spader, James / Bassett, Angela / Forster, Robert / Phillips, Lou Diamond / Facinelli, Peter / Tunney, Robin / Cruz, Wilson / Eddy Rice Jr. / White, Knox
Das Universum im 22. Jahrhundert ist grausam und düster. Um Leiden zu lindern, patrouilliert das Sanitätsschiff "Nightingale" an den äußersten Grenzen der menschlichen Zivilisation. Als die sechsköpfige Besatzung einem Hilferuf folgt, beginnt für sie ein Flug in die Hölle... Nach einem beinahe missglückten Hyper-Raum-Sprung landet die Mannschaft im Gravitationsfeld eines gigantischen Sterns, der fast erloschen ist. Ein junger Mann kann gerade ...

CHF 30.50

The Valley of Heart's Delight

Malone, Michael S
The Valley of Heart's Delight
I can't think of a more acute observer of the wild Silicon Valley saga than Mike Malone. He has seen it all from up close." -Tom Wolfe, author of A Man in Full and The Bonfire of the Vanities "Mike Malone is to Silicon Valley what George Orwell was to the Spanish Civil War." -Paul A. Gigot, Editorial Page Editor The Wall Street Journal "One hundred years from now, when people talk about Silicon Valley, they will be using Mike Malone's words....

Handbook of Collective Intelligence

Malone, Thomas W. / Bernstein, Michael S.
Handbook of Collective Intelligence
Experts describe the latest research in a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field, the study of groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent.Intelligence does not arise only in individual brains, it also arises in groups of individuals. This is collective intelligence: groups of individuals acting collectively in ways that seem intelligent. In recent years, a new kind of collective intelligence has emerged: interconn...

CHF 38.50

El Tercer Pais

Malone, Michael S.
El Tercer Pais
A fascinating look at the history and future of this mega-region binding Mexico and the United States."-Earl Anthony Wayne, US Ambassador to Mexico (2011-2015)Two of the most important cities in North America are so physically close they would touch were they not separated by a wall at the US-Mexico border. That border has been a flashpoint of contention for centuries. And yet, the untold reality in San Diego and Tijuana is that tens of thousa...

CHF 22.90

El Tercer País

Malone, Michael S
El Tercer País
Una fascinante mirada a la historia y el futuro de esta mega región que une a México y Estados Unidos".-Earl Anthony Wayne, Embajador de Estados Unidos en México (2011-2015)Dos de las ciudades más importantes de Norteamérica están tan cerca físicamente que se tocarían si no estuvieran separadas por un muro en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Esa frontera ha sido un punto de confl icto durante siglos. Sin embargo, la realidad no conta...

CHF 40.90

El Tercer País

Malone, Michael S.
El Tercer País
A fascinating look at the history and future of this mega-region binding Mexico and the United States."-Earl Anthony Wayne, US Ambassador to Mexico (2011-2015)Two of the most important cities in North America are so physically close they would touch were they not separated by a wall at the US-Mexico border. That border has been a flashpoint of contention for centuries. And yet, the untold reality in San Diego and Tijuana is that tens of thousa...

CHF 39.50

The Craft of Professional Writing

Malone, Michael S.
The Craft of Professional Writing
The Craft of Professional Writing' is the complete book ever written about the real-life work of writing for a living. It not only provides an in-depth description of every important job in professional writing, from PR and advertising to technical writing to journalism and fiction and non-fiction book authorship, but also includes extensive practical advice and hacks on how to report, prepare, pitch, edit and invoice your work - as well as ho...

CHF 65.00

Charlie's Place

Malone, Michael S
Charlie's Place
Charlie's Place is the story of an Oklahoma homestead, settled during the Land Rush, lost during the Great Depression and restored seven decades later. It is an American tale of pioneering, loss and restoration. The narrative revolves around two memorable figures, Charlie Hasbrook and his grand-daughter, Nadiene Malone. The book follows the events that led Hasbrook to ride in the Land Rush - including three violent murders in Kansas and Oregon...

CHF 33.50

The Intel Trinity

Malone, Michael S.
The Intel Trinity
The definitive history of the Intel Corporation—the essential company of the digital age—told through the lives of its three preeminent figures: Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, and Andy GroveIntel has often been hailed as the most important company in the world, and with good reason: While technology companies come and go, Intel remains, more than four decades after its inception, a defining company of the global digital economy. The legendary inv...

CHF 34.50

The Microprocessor

Malone, Michael S.
The Microprocessor
Despite being an intimate part of our lives, most of us know almost nothing about the "computer on a chip". As a result, we are constantly making crucial business, political and personal decisions based on the future of the microprocessor, while intellectually standing in the dark. If we can understand how the microprocessor came into being, the state it is in today and where its future lies, we can learn a whole lot more about where we are no...

CHF 69.00

Die Informationsrevolution im Vertrieb

Malone, Michael S.
Die Informationsrevolution im Vertrieb
Nur durch die intelligente Kombination moderner Managementmethoden mit neuester Informationstechnologie gelingt es, den Verkaufserfolg zu steigern und echte Kundennähe zu erreichen. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele wird deutlich, wie sich eine informierte Vertriebsmannschaft für zukünftige Herausforderungen wappnen kann.

CHF 58.50

Learning Curve

Malone, Michael S (Editor of Forbes ASAP Palo Alto California)
Learning Curve
Get an inside view of the breathless, winner-take-all world of high technology--Silicon Valley style--in this fast-paced corporate thriller. Veteran businessman Dan Crowen is finally handed the reins of a large, successful tech firm, Validator Software--only to be ordered by its eccentric owner, Cosmo Validator, to take a step that could destroy the company. Young entrepreneur Alison Prue is at the helm of Validator's upstart rival, eTerni...

CHF 30.90

Der Mikroprozessor

Malone, Michael S. / Petz, M.
Der Mikroprozessor
Das Buch präsentiert einen faszinierenden Überblick über die inzwischen 25-jährige Geschichte des Mikroprozessors. Michael S. Malone beschreibt nicht allein die Herstellung und Arbeitsweise des Mikroprozessors auch in ihrer historischen Dimension, sondern läßt den Leser teilhaben an den spannenden Geschehnissen "hinter den Kulissen". Die Persönlichkeiten und Unternehmen, die die Entwicklung des Mikroprozessors entscheidend prägten - und somit ...

CHF 58.50

Storia della memoria. Tesoro e custode di tutte le cose

Malone, Michael S. / Baldini, B.
Storia della memoria. Tesoro e custode di tutte le cose
La memoria ci rende umani. Nessun altro animale porta con sé così tanti e complessi ricordi né li rievoca regolarmente per il proprio diletto, per la propria sicurezza o per eseguire compiti complessi. La civiltà umana progredisce perché è in grado di trasmettere i ricordi, da una persona all'altra, da una generazione a quella successiva. "Storia della memoria" è una grande storia scientifica che ci permette di intraprendere un viaggio lungo 1...

CHF 47.50